
PentaFreak Co. is a company based in Brunei Darussalam which specializes in developing software and games.

Work in Progress

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Saturday, 4 January 2014
Wondering on how the character of Block War will be? Here is a graphic of the character illustrated by our Graphic Designer, Abid Samat.

What is Block War?
"Block War is a first person shooter game where players can compete in a team deathmatch mode. Players have the ability to stack and build block for tactical purposes. Any team who reached the specific kill limit will win the round."

Watch the game prototype here :

Monday, 23 December 2013

The Founder of PentaFreak Company, explaining the game concept of Block War to the team.

"Block War is a first person shooter game where players can compete in a team deathmatch mode. Players have the ability to stack and build block for tactical purposes. Any team who reached the specific kill limit will win the round."

It is announced that the game might be released for Beta testing on September 2014.

We're aware that people are wondering on the progress of our RPG game. For our first trial of RPG game, we build an Arena game to ensure that the strength of our Internet Service Provider (ISP) could hold more players, therefore, we are going to try an Arena online game where players are gathered togehter, which is Block War.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Mobs are now appear onto different spawn points and attack the player when the player reaches a certain range and retreat if the player is far away from the mob.



Note: Some models may not be used in the future.

Currently we're working on modeling our character which will be the main character for our game! Donate us to provide more quality surrounding and stuffs! :D

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Today we have been working on enhancing the graphic, added some new models and scripts. We also added a main town with some new buildings.

Note: The models may not be used in the future.

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

For the past few weeks, we have been working on developing a 3D RPG game. We have added some scripts to our game and enhance the terrain quite a bit. The models that we're using are for testing purpose only, we'll make our own models later. Here are some screenshots of the progress :


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