
PentaFreak Co. is a company based in Brunei Darussalam which specializes in developing software and games.

Work in Progress : Block War Character Sneak Peek

1 comment
Wondering on how the character of Block War will be? Here is a graphic of the character illustrated by our Graphic Designer, Abid Samat.

What is Block War?
"Block War is a first person shooter game where players can compete in a team deathmatch mode. Players have the ability to stack and build block for tactical purposes. Any team who reached the specific kill limit will win the round."

Watch the game prototype here :

1 comment :

  1. I am highly interested in game like this and i can't wait for beta testing. The game engine is Unity, right? so would the map be pre-set or randomly generated. A random generated map would be nice. Ohh! You guys should make a page at
